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HKRW Day 3 Round Up

After a cool day on the water yesterday, sailors were relieved with the jump in temperature and blue skies for Day 3 of Hong Kong Race Week. There was ‘champagne sailing’ (or should we say ‘sparkling soda sailing' due HKRW being a predominantly youth regatta) for the whole fleet across four race tracks in a 10 to 15kt easterly breeze.

The windsurfers were the last to launch and the first to finish; getting in three quick races for both fleets in Repulse Bay. In the Techno 293 Class, Hong Kong’s Lok YEUNG had a cracking day with a significant lead in all his races putting his grand total of firsts for the regatta to an impressive seven out of nine. There will be some tight racing in the RSX Youth Class tomorrow between Siu Wing HO in the lead and Patrick LEUNG who are both sitting on 17 points.

In the 2.4mR fleet which sailed by both able and disabled sailors, Chi Yeung PUK is currently winning the regatta with top two places throughout the week. Yuen Wai FOO a bronze medalist from the Asian Para Games and who recently placed 7th overall in the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club Around the Island Race is close on his heals only one point behind.

On the same track, the leading two RS Fevas had a significant tussle all day, with the all-female team of Sam SHARP and Hannah CRAWFORD taking two out of the three firsts today. This however was not quite enough to pull ahead of Will STORK and Julian HILL who are currently three points ahead.

In the 79-strong Optimist fleet, Hong Kong’s Duncan GREGOR had three firsts today putting him two points in front of his rival Douglas LEUNG going into the final day of racing.

With a light forecast for the final day of racing, fingers are crossed for blue skies and big breeze!

Keep up to date with next week’s racing by following the links below!

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Provisional results:

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Twitter: @hkraceweek




風帆分組賽是第一組開始,卻在最晚完成比賽;首三場比賽在淺水灣海域較快完成。香港代表Lok YEUNG在Techno 293分組中繼續領先,在已完成的九場比賽中取得七場冠軍,成績令人嘆為觀止。在RSX青年組方面,Siu Wing HO和Patrick LEUNG同樣取得17分,預料明日將會上演激烈之爭。


同樣地,RS Feva 分組亦出現多場角力戰,經過三日的比賽Sam SHARP 和 Hannah CRAWFORD暫時排行第二,以3分之差緊隨Will STORK 和 Julian HILL。

樂天型帆船分組共有79名選手參加比賽,香港代表Duncan GREGOR在今天贏得三場比賽,成功以2分壓倒對手Douglas LEUNG。





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Instagram: @hongkongraceweek

Twitter: @hkraceweek

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歡迎使用圖片,並敬請列明出處: RHKYC / Guy Nowell.

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