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Hong Kong Race Week is an event run in conjunction with the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD), the Hong Kong Sailing Federation (HKSF) and the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club (RHKYC).

Following the HKSAR Government’s raising of the Response Level to Emergency status, the LCSD has cancelled all of their major events and urged community groups to take public health risks into account when organising any large scale event.

With Hong Kong Race Week falling into this category as one of the largest dinghy regattas in Asia, the decision has therefore been taken to fully support the advice of government on this important health issue at such a large scale event both on and off the water. Hong Kong Race Week has therefore been postponed for the time being and the Organizing Committee will look to reschedule the event for later in the year when the current health emergency has passed.

We will provide further updates once the Organizing Committee have had the chance to review any new recommendations from HKSAR Government and have been able to find a suitable date to reschedule the event to.

We thanks all competitors, parents, sporting federations and volunteers for their understanding and ongoing support of this major sailing event.


「香港帆船賽週」是由康樂文化事務署 (康文署)及香港帆船運動總會(帆總)合辦的大型亞洲小帆船比賽。鑑於香港特別行政區把本港防疫應變計劃提升至緊急級別,康文署已把轄下所有大型活動取消,並要求社區團體舉辦任何大型活動均需考慮公眾健康。




© 2025 by Sailing Federation of Hong Kong, China & Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club

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