Dear Overseas Participants,
The Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club is pleased to offer visiting membership to all overseas competitors (together with spouses and partners) of the Sun Hung Kai & Co. Hong Kong Race Week 2025 incorporating the 2025 29er Asian Championship.
As our Club is a cash-free club we would recommend that competitors take advantage of this invitation. The other advantage of visiting membership is that you will be able to use all three of our Club's facilities – Middle Island, Kellett Island and Shelter Cove. Details of the clubhouses can be viewed on the Club’s web site: www.rhkyc.org.hk
If you would like to apply for visiting membership please complete and SIGN the attached credit card authorization form and return it to the Membership Office, details of which are set out below. In the form, please advise whether you are prepared to allow any other persons (e.g. spouse or partner or crew members) to sign on your account.
The Membership Office will acknowledge receipt of your form. A visiting membership account will be set up for you and the visiting membership card will be available for collection at the event registration at Middle Island. All your expenses incur at the Club will be charged to your pre-signed credit card authorization and your account will be settled via this when we close your account, and a copy of credit card slip will be sent back to you for record.
However, if you or/and your crew members do not wish to have credit facility, you may use Alipay or to purchase a pre-stored value card, Octopus Card (that can be purchased at the Club’s Reception at Kellett Island or authorized dealers, ie MTR). If you choose this payment method, please complete the attached simple version of visiting membership application form – payment by Alipay/Octopus Card; again we will prepare a visiting membership card for you in order for you to use our Club’s facilities.
We would request the submission of this visiting membership application form and credit card authorization form (if applicable) to us on or before 24 January 2025.
If you have any further queries on the visiting membership, please feel free to contact the Membership Office on (852) 2239-0372 or email: membership@rhkyc.org.hk
I now look forward to welcoming you to our Club soon.
With kind regards
Tracy Leung
Membership Manager
Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club
香港遊艇會很榮幸能夠為所有Sun Hung Kai & Co. Hong Kong Race Week 2025 incorporating the 2025 29er Asian Championship 的海外參賽者及其親友提供訪客會籍。
申請訪客會籍簡便,請填妥及簽署附上的申請表格,以電郵或傳真方式(852)2239-0399遞交至會籍部便可。請在表格中註明會否允許其他人(包括配偶/船員) 使用你的訪客會籍帳戶結帳。
然而,如閣下或/及船員不希望使用信用卡結帳,可以選擇支付寶或購買一張於香港流通的預付儲值卡 - 八達通,來支付閣下使用本會設施的費用(八達通卡可於本會位於銅鑼灣奇力島的接待處或
授權經銷商, 如港鐵車站購買) 。 如閣下選擇使用此付款方法,請填妥附上的申請表格「訪客會籍申請表 (使用支付寶/八達通付款) 」。當本會收到閣下的申請表格後,便會回覆收妥,並為閣下準備訪客會籍會員卡,以使用本會所的各項設施。訪客會籍會員卡可於中途島會所的賽事登記處領取。
煩請閣下於二零二五年一月二十四日或之前遞交「訪客會籍申請表(以信用卡結帳) 」,或「訪客會籍申請表 (以支付寶/八達通付款)」,以便安排。
如有任何關於訪客會籍申請的查詢,請致電: (852)2239-0372或電郵: membership@rhkyc.org.hk與會籍部聯絡。